With a sleek, clever design and a simple, easily replaceable filtration device, Bobble Filtered Water bottles, priced at only $9.95 is a revolutionary product. What's unique about these bottles is that they are completely user friendly and stylish. Unlike usual water bottle designs that tend to be bulky, Bobble Filtered Water bottles are universally pleasing to the eye and extremely portable. The sleek design is also highly practical and earthly. The BPA free bottle are manufactured using recycled PET (polyethylene terephthalate, a synthetic fiber used in liquid and food containers) and are 100% recyclable. The Bobble Water Carbon Filters, according to the company's website, "...require very little maintenance, and are perhaps the most powerful chemical absorbents known to man." These powerful filters are good for a total of 300 uses, and cost only $6.95 to replace.
The bottom line is that bottled water is wasteful, but filtered water bottles are genius. In fact, Americans spend about $15 million on bottled water every year and that's not even the disturbing part. The water quality of bottled water is usually equivalent or worse than FDA standards on regular tap water. What your paying $1.95 for at the vending machine, is basically the same thing that's flowing out of the water fountain...for FREE. If money isn't the issue for you, try the environment. The over-consumption of bottled water is in essence the required equivalent of 17 million barrels of oil, 2.5 million tons of carbon dioxide, and three times the amount of water in the bottle, according to a post from the blog Climate 411, by Ramon Cruz, Senior Policy Analyst for Living Cities at Environmental Defense Fund.
It seems like an obvious investment, yet not everyone is doing it. Bottled water consumption is still a steady consumer habit, however innovative and user friendly products such as Bobble Filtered Water bottles make it easier for everyone to kick this destructive and expensive behavior. Oh and don't forget, drinking more filtered water is also beneficial for your skin and overall health!
Check out prices for Bobble Filtered Water Bottles on Google shopping, and compare them to other filtered bottles.